Driving home one night after pictures and seen this beautiful sunset, just had to pull over again. Of course this looks so much better on my 22' screen !
The two above this were taken at the same time & same spot, just focused on different spot and zoomed in on one.
The next few were taken on my way home from the grocery store one night on Shoeneck rd near Indiantown rd. I was struck by the towers parading off into the sunset. Later I wished I would have moved farther to the left as to not have the wires drape into the picture from the left . thought it might have given it a less cluttered look? These last two were taken at the same place as the above pictures but turning to my left. I liked the silloutte of the farm! Notice the moon is twinkling.
Good night,
I've always loved that view from Schoeneck Rd., especially at sunset, but the wires ruined it for me as far shooting was concerned- you've captured it perfectly, wires or not!