Sunday, January 22, 2012

My living room mantel

 Finally taking the time to post a few pictures from my mantel this past fall & christmas. Our house has a huge sandstone fireplace in the living room with a huge wooden mantel on top. Since moving here we've discovered it's a common thing in our area.

 Pumpkin's & gourds bought at Sycamore Springs & Joanne fabrics the yr before at highly discounted pricing !! I only purchase things on sale and try to add a few nice pieces each year.

 I found this picture at the reuzit shop and I loved it, something about the scenery just pulled at me ! It's a pain to store but I use it for the fall season.

 A side table arrangement - i pick the worst times to take pictures of my decor  =( hence the shadows.

 Mantel is cleaned and ready for christmas decorations ! I tried something new this year - using fresh greens on the mantel. My friend has huge bushes of cedar or something like it and while I was cutting some to add to my artifical greens I remembered  a mantel I decorated while working at Sycamore Springs. We had covered the mantel with fresh greens, pomegrantes, pinecones & berries, so I decided to try my own version ! I filled the 2 containers with blocks of oasis and water to help keep the greens fresh.

and here is the mantel filled with the fresh greens - they were sooo pretty and smelled so good !

 I added beaded fruit ( Dollar tree), berries & Magnolia leaves to the greens. I was wishing for a few more berries but nothing else I had  worked

 I usually have lots of lights on the mantel for christmas but thought I would try it with out and just let the greens shine BUT it just didn't pop at night so I ended up adding a string of lights under the greens!

Love having lights at night !!!

                                             just makes everything warm and inviting !!

                                                   The beaded fruit twinkles in the light !

I 'm dreaming up a winter idea - time to take down the greens !! I've been impressed though at how long they have held up and not dropped all over the floor.

Hope your inspired to go re-decorate !!

Blessings, Esther


  1. love the mantel. We have 1 in our living room too. I am still working at getting a look that I like. Do you use the fire place? I tried greens 1 year and they dried out in a week or so, but I didn't have them in water. Will have to give that a try next year. :)

    1. We have a fireplace insert and only use it on weekends or special occassions. I think it really makes a big diff on what type of greens you use too, this green does not have needles to drop but would crumble when touching it. I am amazed how well it has held up over the month and a half it's been up but water does help alot!
