Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 4th of July !!!

 Tonight we went to watch the Ephrata fireworks at Lincoln Heights Park. We were so close I could hardily get the entire fireworks display in my lens! I grabbed my tripod on the way out the door but forgot to get the piece that goes on the camera, so my pix's ended up being hand held. I think the pictures may have gotten clearer if I had used a tripod but at least I have some =)  This year I've been thinking alot about the 4th of July and our country - anyone have any books on early americans that were christans ? I thought it would be neat to have a discussion with the children about how our country was founded on christian principles.

Enjoy the 4th in what ever you do !! Blessings, Esther


  1. YES! Check out David Barton and his many lectures for early American Christians! Great shots, BTW. Not sure if we will get to a fireworks display this year or not. Oh well. Here in ND anyone can buy the big fireworks, just like the towns set off.

  2. Great fireworks. I'm impressed, you have a steady hand! (P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your comments are much appreciated.)
